Fastest Way to Get High Ticket Clients

Want Clients Fast?

Today we’re talking about how you can get clients as quickly as possible. This is a strategy that we have been using and continue to use because it has been super powerful for us here at Digital Trailblazer.

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I'll walk you through the steps and show you how you can start using this strategy too.

"Know, Like, and Trust" (KLT) Factor

In order for people to make a purchase, there is something called "know, like, and trust" (KLT). This is crucial for making any kind of purchase. Why do we choose to buy from Amazon? Because we trust Amazon and know that they will give us what we ordered, and if there are any problems, they will refund us. The same concept applies to high ticket coaching programs. The higher the price, the higher the KLT factor needs to be in order for someone to make a purchasing decision.

The Key to Building KLT Quickly

One of the best ways to build the KLT factor quickly is through video. In fact, 90% of communication is nonverbal, which is why video is so effective at building the KLT factor. Todd and I have been on YouTube for years and it gives us our highest conversion rates for opt-ins and sales.

Even now, years later, I still spend my time doing a video training every Monday night. This is because of the power of video. People who are looking for help from us are more likely to come to us because we have built the KLT factor through video.

The Power of Facebook Lives

I know that video can be scary, but it's important if you want to build your business quickly and to a large scale. I'll give you some tips to help minimize the scary parts and make sales through this process.

I take sales calls every single day of the week and I can't even tell you how many times it was because of video. People saw us on a video and could tell that we were real and that we could help them. So, if you're dead serious about building your business, you're going to have to be okay with doing video and you're going to have to be okay with being bad at it at first. But trust me, the payoff is worth it.

I wasn't always a fan. When I first started, I wasn't good at all. My videos were uncomfortable and flat, with no engagement. But with time, I realized the power of video and how it can help build the know, like, and trust factor with your audience.

I learned to get comfortable in front of the camera and be myself through Facebook Lives. I would go live every day on my personal profile, having conversations with my audience, building that know, like, and trust factor.

Tips for Starting with Video Marketing

If you're new to video, I suggest starting with live videos. Challenge yourself to go live weekly or every day for a week, and then work your way up to a month. This is how I got better, by making myself do it. And yes, you're going to be uncomfortable at first, but that's okay. That's part of stepping out of your comfort zone. If you struggle with the fear of getting out of your comfort zone, I recommend Mark's fearless video challenge.

People don't want perfect, especially if you're just starting out as a coach. They want someone who's a few steps ahead of them, someone who's real and relatable. So just be yourself, don't try to be perfect. And if you're doing a recorded video,

Watch the video above for more of the nitty gritty on this topic and if you need more help with the system side of things, if you don't have all of this dialed in and set up in a way that's actually going to convert and lead to sales, we can help you with that. Book a call

You can book at free Business Evaluation HERE.

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