Digital Trailblazer
Digital Trailblazer

The Simplest, Fastest Path to Paying High-Ticket Clients

The Simplest, Fastest Path to Paying High-Ticket Clients

From Our Blog

#69: How Service Providers Can 2x-3x Their Income by Starting an Online Business with Denielle Rigoglioso

Listen & Subscribe Episode 69: Therapists, counselors, nutritionists, personal trainers, etc… there are many types of service providers who spend years in college to earn an advanced degree just to go to work for another company, putting in 40-60 hours a week, just to earn what a manager at McDonalds makes. This leads to high…

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#68: Increase Revenue 10x – 20x by Landing “Whale” Clients with Barbara Weaver Smith

Listen & Subscribe Episode 68: One of the keys to scaling a high ticket coaching, consulting, or agency business is raising your prices… but just how “high-ticket” can you go? A lot of that depends on the type of client that you’re going after. In this episode, Barbara Weaver Smith teaches us her “whale hunting”…

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#67: New Method to Sell High Ticket Without Sales Calls with Justin Boyum

Listen & Subscribe Episode 67: One of the biggest pain points of selling high ticket offers is having to do sales calls. Not only are you having the same conversation with every single prospect one at a time, but you can only scale sales calls so far before you need to start hiring a sales…

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#66: How to Speak at TEDx to Scale Your Online Business BIG and FAST with Frank King

Listen & Subscribe Episode 66: One of the biggest problems online business owners face is that nobody knows that they exist. You might have an amazing product or service that you offer, but if you can’t get exposure and traffic to your offer, then you really don’t have a business. In this episode, Frank King…

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#65: The Only 3 Ways to Scale Your Online Business That Are Guaranteed to Work

Listen & Subscribe Episode 65: When it comes to scaling your online business, a lot of the strategies out there are focused on simply bringing in more traffic, or implementing some new marketing gimmick that never really lives up to its promises. The truth about scaling is that it really depends on your specific situation,…

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#64: Is A.I. Going to Put You Out of Business? How to Adapt to the Changing Market with Chase Neely

Listen & Subscribe Episode 64: Everyone thought that A.I. would be taking over the boring, menial, low-level jobs in society. But now that A.I. is here, we’re finding out that instead, it’s doing creative work, writing content, giving expert advice, and taking over the high-level skilled jobs with things such as AI generated photos, videos,…

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