Digital Trailblazer
Digital Trailblazer

The Simplest, Fastest Path to Paying High-Ticket Clients

The Simplest, Fastest Path to Paying High-Ticket Clients

From Our Blog

#63: How to Turn a “No” into a “Yes” When People Don’t Buy the First Time with Chelsea Beauchamp

Listen & Subscribe Episode 63: It’s a well know statistic in the marketing world that only about 3% of your audience is ready to buy and join right now, which means that 97% of your audience is going to say NO the first time you present your offer to them. The problem is that most…

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#62: Keys to Profitability When You’re First Starting Out with Todd & Leah Getts

Listen & Subscribe Episode 62: There’s nothing worse than spending months, if not years, developing a well thought out, comprehensive online course or coaching program just to find out that nobody is really interested in buying it. …or, that there’s no way to be profitable with your offer because the cost of your advertising is…

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#61: How to Get Paid to Speak on Stage and Sell to Other People’s Audiences with Corey Poirier

Listen & Subscribe Episode 61: There are a lot of different stages that you can speak on, and different stages will help you achieve different goals. Some people want to get paid to speak. Others are willing to speak for free as long as they can sell something from stage. And others are happy just…

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#60: $1.2 Million in 1 Hour With a “Celebrity Speaker” Funnel with Kim Walsh Phillips and Justin Guarini

Listen & Subscribe Episode 60: Two things that need to happen before you can make a sale are generating the lead, and building trust and rapport (i.e. nurturing your audience). Those are also two of the most difficult hurdles online business owners have to overcome when starting their businesses. But what if you could be…

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#59: Low vs Mid vs High Ticket – How to Price Your Offers and Why with Stephen Somers

Listen & Subscribe Episode 59: One of the biggest questions people have when creating their first digital product is ‘how much should I charge?’, and there are a lot of different opinions about the best place to start. Some people will tell you that you should start with a high ticket offer because you can…

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#58: $100k Launch with NEW Way to Run Facebook Challenges with Mandy Nicholson

Listen & Subscribe Episode 58: Challenges are becoming an increasingly popular way to sell digital products and coaching programs. The problem with that is that audiences are becoming more and more “immune” to Challenges as a sales tactic. It’s becoming more difficult to get people to register, more difficult to get people to show up…

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